Milano Branch
The Italian branch of the Luxembourg Management Company, founded in May 2020, focuses on wealth management and financial advisory services characterised by unique, innovative and highly integrated methodologies.
The aim of the Milan branch of Pharus Management Lux SA is to bring to Italy the experience gained in the European financial markets, making available to Italian clients the innovations, new methodologies and professionalism of our Management Team. We broaden investment horizons and respond to the challenges of the global markets
We use investment and financial management skills developed specifically for our institutional clients, who have been tracked and supported for years using disciplined, cutting-edge strategies that have enabled us to provide a superior quality service over the years.
Financial markets are constantly changing and the challenges we face are always new and searching. Improvisation, flair and intuition are all very well, but our decisions should be guided by a consolidated and scalable method and as well as discipline.

Each strategy becomes an integrated path to be embarked upon together with the client, according to his needs and preferences, since the methodology and the investment process are extremely flexible and able to generate extremely varied portfolios and strategies.
Although the management style does not change, investment strategies and objectives do change according to the variables chosen by the client, and the range of investment models is always different, individual. As, let’s face it, are all our clients.

Accompagniamo l’esperienza di investimento con i nostri Modelli e processi con un filo sempre diretto e privo di intermediazioni con il nostro Team di Gestione.
Ci piace comunicare con i nostri client e supportarli attraverso tutte le fasi che caratterizzano il processo di investimento. In questo modo le pressioni emotive tipiche dei mercati si alleviano e si trasformano in maggiore consapevolezza dei propri portafogli.

Management Committee
Intra-group collaboration at Pharus has always been at the heart of our day-to-day business and a key factor in our success. It is a forum for analysis and discussion where individual excellence is highlighted on the path towards achieving common goals. The Management Committee is the place where our portfolio strategies are tested by the markets and where tactics can offer positive insights through the selection of the best possible product mix.