Pharus Sicav Liquidity

Class A
ISIN: LU0159791275
Category: EUR Money Market
Key Information
Net Asset Value136,55 EUR
Fund Size23.752.329 EUR
Launch Date23 dic 2002
Key Information
Management information
Investment ManagerPharus Asset Management SA
Key Information
Investment objective
Pharus Sicav Liquidity is Pharus' first in-house fund, with over 20 years of track record, aimed at obtaining an appropriate level of income by investing in bonds, mostly corporate, with a remaining maturity of less than 3 years and 20 days. Investment decisions are made using a bottom-up approach that analyzes the failure risk of each individual issuer in order to maintain a high-quality standard and low volatility. The portfolio is well diversified, both geographically and by sector, and foreign exchange risk is systematically hedged.
Key Information

Risk & reward profile

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Manager comment
Manager comment
During the month of June, Pharus Liquidity recorded a performance of 0.39%. The global monetary policy easing cycle has begun, even though the FED is wait-and-see compared to other central banks in developed countries. On the interest rate front, we observed a downward shift in both the US and German curves. The short ends of the curves registered an average movement of -6 bps on the US curve and -24 bps on the German curve. The 2-year Treasury yields 4.75%, while the German government bond yields 2.82%. We remain convinced that the sector represents a very interesting investment opportunity, considering both the current rate environment and its defensive nature. Operationally, we continue to look for opportunities predominantly in the long end of our investable universe.

Last updated on 25.07.2024

* No coverage or derivatives are included
* No coverage or derivatives are included
Top Ten Holding
Euro-schatz Fut Sep24 12.59 %
Us 2yr Note (cbt) Sep24 12.52 %
Banca Monte Dei Paschi S Tv 02.03.26 5.09 %
Illimity Bank Spa 6.625% 09.12.25 4.32 %
Chemours Co 4% 15.05.26 4 %
Esercizi Aeroportuali 3.5% 09.10.25 3.35 %
Michael Kors Usa Inc 4.25% 01.11.24 3.06 %
Credito Emiliano Spa Tv 25.10.25 2.88 %
Celanese Us Holdings Llc 4.777% 19.07.26 2.61 %
Banca Monte Dei Paschi S 3.625% 24.09.24 2.53 %
Top Ten Holding
How to invest